Monthly Archives: October 2016

Attending Autodesk University 2016

Autodesk University 2016 November 15th – 17th There is no better way to connect with your peers across the world than attending a conference like Autodesk University. It’s a valuable chance to talk with people about your circumstances face-to-face. With attendance of over 10,000 users, you have an opportunity to meet up with people who may have already solved your dilemma

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CATIA V5: Assembly Constraints Into Kinematics

I often hear customers designing mechanical components say something like “I have assembly design constraints and don’t think I need Kinematics.” The truth is, you may not need them – if you design items that do not move. Kinematics is the study of motion, and even with the standard CATIA V5 Assembly Design constraints, you are limited to a single movement based

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Quick Tip: Automating Iterative Designs in Autodesk Inventor

A while back, I was visiting a customer with an interesting design challenge. They happened to be a specialty fastener manufacturer, and a big part of their design work includes the development of the part geometry (and associated tooling dies) as it goes through the forging operations to produce the final part. Just imagine that every change of the component from

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Your Network folders: the best ARG yet

This quote embodies a phenomenon in today’s entertainment media culture: the Alternate Reality Game, or ARG. These ARGs aim to bring the audience deeper into the product experience, to rev up the hype. The game’s producers build an elaborate web of interconnected “plot points,” for lack of a better term. These plot points are not overt, not communicated outright. The audience

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PLM on the tablet

Among technology practitioners, there is no shortage of pundits offering predictions into the future and where the next big wave is going to hit. The reason for this is that the stakes are high – a correct forecast of future technology trends can literally be worth billions. So what are the current predictions talking about? Here is a sampling of the

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Why Catia?

In today’s engineering environment, there are a plethora of design tools available. One question I often hear is “Why CATIA?” It’s a question that seems simple enough, but the answer is much more complex. CATIA generally involved a greater initial investment, but in terms of overall design cost, you may be surprised to learn that a CATIA license can be a real bargain. Ask:

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Multi-CAD Challenge – How can Teamcenter Help?

With globalization and distributed product development, adhering to a single CAD tool for the globally dispersed design teams and suppliers has become practically difficult. Business dynamics like mergers, acquisitions, partnerships, and flexible supplier selections based on direct material sourcing processes can also present a multi-CAD scenario to companies. In such scenarios, if the PLM tool isn’t capable of supporting multi-CAD, that can

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